Personal Training
Become your best, healthiest self
Good exercise habits and knowledge should start early and continue as we get older. This establishes a healthy lifestyle and strong body so we can minimize the risk of disease and obesity. Additionally, as we age, it is even more important to build muscle mass, bone density, a lean body, and a strong heart. While there are numerous benefits to yoga, Pilates, and running workouts, regular weight training is essential to slowing our inevitable muscle and bone loss, which begins as early as in our 30s. And if you are beyond your 30s, it's not too late to get started... it's never too late.
Healthy muscle mass is also the key to reducing your chances of many other health issues (e.g. diabetes, heart disease, sleep disorders, inflammation, frailty, and neurological issues, to name a few). Weight training: 1) builds lean muscle, stability, and balance; 2) helps maintain healthy metabolism; 3) supports strong cardiorespiratory health.
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